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Clinical Trial Details
The Influence of Prenatal Exposure to Stress on the DNA Methylation Status of FKBP5 in Newborns
Clinical Trial ( IRB ) #: 14-197-6
Title: The Influence of Prenatal Exposure to Stress on the DNA Methylation Status of FKBP5 in Newborns
Principal Investigator: Dr. Damion Grasso
Description: Understanding the impact of prenatal maternal stress (PNMS) on child development is needed to identify at-risk children at the earliest possible time point and to design and implement effective interventions. One of the genes involved in the stress response pathway is FKBP5 (FK506 binding protein 5). The FKBP5 protein is a critical component of a negative feedback loop that functions to terminate the stress response at the cellular level by decreasing ligand binding and blocking translocation of the glucocorticoid receptor complex into the nucleus. Emerging data on FKBP5 suggests one potential pathway by which early, chronic childhood trauma exposure may lead to emotional and behavioral problems later in life. This study seeks to understand how the in utero exposure to domestic violence can impact ability of this gene to function properly.
  Neonatal (Newborn)
  Stress Disorders
  Women’s Health (Infertility, Menopause, Etc.)
Eligibility Criteria: INCLUSION: English speaking, singleton pregnancy, in the third trimester of pregnancy, planning on delivering at the Childbirth Center at Hartford Hospital. EXCLUSION: Second stage of labor, Non-English speaking, multiple gestation pregnancy, not planning to deliver at the Childbirth Center at Hartford Hospital.
How to Contact: Meghan Clough. Email: mclough@connecticutchildrens.org
Enrollment Status/Comments: Enrolling/recruiting. For current recruitment status, please check with study contact.