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Clinical Trial Details
Implementation of an Evidence Based PTSD Treatment in Public Sector Settings
Clinical Trial ( IRB ) #: 14-181-1
Title: Implementation of an Evidence Based PTSD Treatment in Public Sector Settings
Principal Investigator: Dr. Jayesh Kamath
Description: This research study will be looking at treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) resulting from experiencing interpersonal violence. The researchers hope to learn whether a flexibly applied cognitive behavioral treatment for PTSD called Skills Training in Affective and Interpersonal Regulation / Narrative Therapy (STAIR/NT) is more effective than the psychotherapy usually provided in the clinic, which is called Treatment as Usual or TAU. STAIR/NT Cognitive-behavior therapy. The cognitive-behavioral therapy used in this study has been shown to be helpful for people with PTSD and other problems which resulted from interpersonal trauma. It works with people's emotions and thoughts related to trauma and helps them create more effective ways of living and interacting with others. We have evidence suggesting that flexible application of the treatment provides the same benefits as a strict order of sessions. Subjects assigned to cognitive-behavioral therapy, subjects and therapists will work together to make decisions about how to use the cognitive-behavioral treatment. The treatment can have as few as 16 sessions and as many as 24 sessions. The sessions will be scheduled once a week and will last 45 minutes. In collaboration with the therapist, subjects can choose to repeat specific activities from a session or to skip them, depending on whether they and the therapist think that these activities will be helpful. There are some basic minimum requirements in the use of the therapy. The first is that the subject complete the activities of the treatment in the following order and have the following minimum number of sessions specific to three types of sessions. Specifically, the treatment requires (1) three sessions of skills training in emotion management, (2) four sessions of social skills training and (3) five sessions which involve the discussion of the trauma and specific thoughts and beliefs related to the trauma. Treatment As Usual. Subjects randomized to Treatment As Usual (TAU), will receive the treatment that the clinic routinely gives to clients. The treatment will occur weekly. The duration of the treatment will depend on how decisions about treatment length are usually decided at the clinic. The treatment will last no longer than the 12 months of the study. Regardless of the treatment subjects receive, they will be asked to give a complete psychiatric and medical history and may be asked to obtain records of medical and psychiatric history.
  Psychiatry - General Adult/Mental Health (Depression, Anxiety, Etc.)
  Stress Disorders
Eligibility Criteria: No longer enrolling.
How to Contact: Marcia Lawlor. Telephone: 860-679-6730. Email: lawlor@uchc.edu or Galina Prpich. Telephone: (860) 679-7539 Email: prpich@uchc.edu
Enrollment Status/Comments: No longer enrolling.