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Clinical Trial Details
Impact of Aging T Cell Responses to Influenza Vaccination
Clinical Trial ( IRB ) #: 12-188-2
Title: Impact of Aging T Cell Responses to Influenza Vaccination
Principal Investigator: Dr. George Kuchel
Description: Participate in our research study on the immune system looking at how we can use vaccines to protect us against infections. With aging, that system does not function as well. We think this research will provide information that could eventually lead to more effective vaccines for preventing influenza illness and potentially other infectious diseases in older people. Men and Women must be 20-30 years old OR 50 years of age and Older; Have been vaccinated in last year, but not for current flu season; Do not have any Immunosuppressive diseases or on any Immunosuppressive therapy. Participants must be willing to come in for 4 study visits where blood will be drawn at 3 visits. Standard Flu vaccinations will be given as part of the study at no charge. Monetary compensation will be provided.
  Infectious Disease/Immune System
Eligibility Criteria: Check with study contact
How to Contact: Nancy Dean. Telephone: (860) 679-8865. Email: Ndean@nso1.uchc.edu
Enrollment Status/Comments: Recruitment each year begins in the summer for Fall enrollment. Call the Study coordinator for more details on recruitment and enrollment