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Clinical Trial Details
A Prospective Comparison of Transcriptional Profiling of Luteal Phase Endometrial Biopsies After Ovarian Stimulation with Gonadotropins and Induction of Oocyte Maturation with a Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) Agonist or Human Chorionic Gonadotropins (hCG)
Clinical Trial ( IRB ) #: 11-168-1
Title: A Prospective Comparison of Transcriptional Profiling of Luteal Phase Endometrial Biopsies After Ovarian Stimulation with Gonadotropins and Induction of Oocyte Maturation with a Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) Agonist or Human Chorionic Gonadotropins (hCG)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Lawrence Engmann
Description: The purpose of the study is to compare gene expression profiles in endometrial biopsies taken during the window of implantation after triggers of oocyte maturation using GnRH agonist or hCG. The hypothesis is that the reduced rate of embryo implantation in some women triggered with GnRH agonist is due to alter gene expression in the endometrium.
  Obstetrics and Gynecology
  Women’s Health (Infertility, Menopause, Etc.)
Eligibility Criteria: Check with study contact
How to Contact: Evelyn Neuber. Telephone: Not Available. Email: Not Available.
Enrollment Status/Comments: Enrolling/recruiting. For current recruitment status, please check with study contact.