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Clinical Trial Details
Adaptation and Resilience in Childhood Study U01
Clinical Trial ( IRB ) #: 18-201COS-1
Title: Adaptation and Resilience in Childhood Study U01
Principal Investigator: Dr. Damion Grasso
Description: In the current application we propose applying advances in developmental measurement science, including those developed in our own lab, towards sensitive characterization of interpersonal violence (IV) exposure, biobehavioral indicators of threat detection and reactivity, trauma-related psychopathology, and contextual risk and protective factors in a high-risk sample of preschool age children. Assessment will include (1) the Family Socialization Interview-Modified (FSI-M), a comprehensive interview measuring children's experiences from birth to present, including family stressors, parenting practices and family conflict that was developed in our lab, (2) the Anxiety Dimensional Observation System (ANX-DOS) and (3) the Disruptive Behavior Dimensional Observation System (DB-DOS), two laboratory observation paradigms for characterizing fear/anxiety and anger/affect regulation, respectively, also developed in our lab, (3) a multiple source assessment of trauma exposure and trauma-related symptoms as defined by the DSM-5, (4) attention bias, autonomic (heart rate, skin conductance), and electrophysiological (Event-related potentials) responses to laboratory-based threat stimuli, and (5) observed and reported maternal sensitivity and parent-child interaction. In the current project, families will be recruited from domestic violence shelters and communities surrounding the shelters. Some families will have experienced IV and others will not. Research visits will occur at our child-friendly laboratory on the UConn Kane Street property in West Hartford and will last approximately four hours. Families will be compensated for their time. Should the mother deem it necessary to split the visit due to time contraints, consenting and assessments may be conducted at a different location that the mother deems safe and affords privacy. Specific Aims: Specific Aim 1. To demonstrate that how children respond to negative (threat) stimuli presented in the laboratory is related to their symptoms of fear and distress. Specific Aim 2. To test the hypothesis that how children respond to threat stimuli is the link between their exposure to interpersonal violence and the development of symptoms of fear and distress. Specific Aim 3. To test the hypothesis that mothers' responsiveness to their children will shape children's threat reactivity and the development of symptoms over time.
  Psychiatry - Child and Adolescent
Eligibility Criteria: Check with study contact
How to Contact: Kimberly McCarthy. Telephone: 860-523-6418. Email: kmccarthy@uchc.edu
Enrollment Status/Comments: Enrolling/recruiting. For current recruitment status, please check with study contact.