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Clinical Trial Details
Measurement of Complex Viscoelasticity of Sickle, Normal and Hypoxic Red Blood Cell Mixtures in Sickle Plasma: Implications for Transfusion Therapy
Clinical Trial ( IRB ) #: 21-180-1
Title: Measurement of Complex Viscoelasticity of Sickle, Normal and Hypoxic Red Blood Cell Mixtures in Sickle Plasma: Implications for Transfusion Therapy
Principal Investigator: Dr. Biree Andemariam
Description: This study is a prospective, clinical/translational research study using blood samples from consenting sickle cell diease (SCD) patients and healthy control volunteers. This study aims to determine the oxygen transport efficiency of red blood cells without oxygen and normal red blood cells (with oxygen) when mixed with blood from patients with sickle cell disease. The primary objective of this study is to test the hypothesis that the complex viscoelasticity of mixtures of SS blood, AA blood and hypoxic red blood cells (HYPX) suspended in SS blood and AA blood will predict oxygen transport efficacy of stored AA blood and hypoxic cell. The seconodary objective is to determine the effects of refrigerated storage duration of AA blood and HYPX on oxygen transport efficiency of the cells. Only SCD patients will be enrolled into this study at UConn Health. Potential subjects who are able to provide informed consent and are at least 18 years of age and have not had a transfusion in the past 90 days will be able to participate. We anticipated enrolling 10 SCD patients. SCD patients will be recruited during routine clinic visits in the New England Sickle Cell Institute (NESCI) and via flyers distributed throughout UConn Health. After consenting to the study, patients will come in for a one time blood draw. One tube will be sent to the JDH for CBC and hemoglobin electrophersis analyses and two tubes will be sent to the Hemanext research lab for research anaysis. The study will continue until full recruitment has been achieved. We estimate this will take approximately one year.
  Blood - Sickle Cell Disease
Eligibility Criteria: Check with study contact
How to Contact: Sasia-Marie Jones. Telephone: Not available. Email: sajones@uchc.edu
Enrollment Status/Comments: Enrolling/recruiting. For current recruitment status, please check with study contact.