Addictive Potential of Little Cigars/Cigarillos in Dual Users: Effect by Flavor and Gender
Dr. Erin Mead-Morse
This study aims to measure the potential for addiction to little cigars and cigarillos (LCCs) compared to cigarettes, determine their substitutability for cigarettes, and whether flavor adds to their addictiveness. We will also explore differences by sex. The focus of the study is on young adults who currently smoke both cigarettes and LCCs. This is a randomized cross-over study with 125 young adult (18-34 years old) dual users (50% women, 50% men) who are not interested in quitting. Participants will be in the study for two weeks. For the first week, they will be randomized to receive either their preferred flavor of LCC or unflavored (plain tobacco) LCCs (of the same brand). They will be asked to use the study-provided LCC in place of their usual LCC as much as they are able to for one week. Then they will cross over and receive the other type of LCC and use that for one week. We will compare measures of dependence and use for flavored vs. unflavored LCCs vs. cigarettes. We will also differences between men and women in their addiction to LCCs.
Addiction/Substance Abuse
Check with study contact
Harriet Zawistowski. Telephone:860-679-1658. Email: zawistowski@uchc.edu
Enrolling/recruiting. For current recruitment status, please check with study contact.