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Clinical Trial Details
Individualized Assessment and Treatment Program for Alcoholism: Treatment and Mechanisms
Clinical Trial ( IRB ) #: 16-211-3.1
Title: Individualized Assessment and Treatment Program for Alcoholism: Treatment and Mechanisms
Principal Investigator: Dr. Matthew Costello
Description: Through our 2009 R-21 pilot project we developed a cellphone-based experience sampling (ES) procedure that assesses, in near real time, coping skills and associated thoughts and feelings that contribute to preventing relapse in alcoholics in treatment. We propose using the experience sampling procedure prior to treatment to collect data on thoughts, feelings and behaviors that patients have when they encounter drinking situations in real life. This information will be used by a therapist tailoring an individualized cognitive-behavioral treatment for each particular patient. The individualized assessment and treatment program (IATP) will be compared to a more conventional packaged cognitive-behavioral treatment (PCBT), and to a Case Management Control condition (CaseM). 207 men and women meeting criteria for alcohol use disorder will be randomly assigned to 12 weekly sessions of either CaseM, PCBT or IATP. Follow-ups will be conducted at posttreatment, and at 3-month intervals out to 27 months. The use of momentary assessments of thoughts, feelings and behaviors will allow us to determine what patients are actually doing, in close to real time, to initiate and maintain their own sobriety. The use of experience sampling in the follow-up period will allow us to determine whether the mechanisms that were active in initiation and early maintenance continue to be active in maintaining long-term abstinence. By comparing IATP with CaseM and PCBT we will be able to control for the general effects of study participation (i.e., "common factors"), the effects of being in a treatment study and receiving manualized treatment, general skills training (psychoeducation), and therapist presence.
  Addiction/Substance Abuse
  Alcohol Dependence
Eligibility Criteria: Check with study contact
How to Contact: Diane Wilson. Telephone: 860-679-3020. Email: diwilson@uchc.edu or Elise Kabela-Cormier. Telephone: Toll Free (866) 895-5727. Email: Kabela@uchc.edu
Enrollment Status/Comments: Enrolling/recruiting. For current recruitment status, please check with study contact.