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Clinical Trials: Hormone
IRB No. 24-132-2 (Dr. Tarunya Vedere, PI): Primary Hyperaldosteronism is a Risk Factor for Developing Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy
This research is being done to determine if Primary Hyperaldosteronism (PA) is a pre-pregnancy risk factor for Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy (HDP). HDP which includes preeclampsia, eclampsia, gestational hypertension and chronic hypertension complicating pregnancy occur in about 10% of pregnancies and can cause a lifetime risk of developing chronic hypertension and heart disease. This study will look to see if excessive aldosterone hormone levels might be a risk factor for that. Aldosterone is a hormone naturally made in the body that helps keep the water and salt ratios in the body balanced. Excessive aldosterone hormone levels, or PA is a well-recognized cause of hypertension. Patients may be enrolled into the study or control group. Study group patients will have had a previous diagnosis of HDP in a pregnancy no earlier than January 1, 2018. Control group patients do not have any previous HDP diagnoses. Both groups will provide a one time blood draw, providing approximately 1 tablespoon of blood to be tested as well as one urine sample.
IRB No. 24-186-1 (Dr. Francesco Celi, PI): Novel approaches to the treatment of hypothyroidism
The study’s goal is to closely examine this phenomenon and help patients reduce their body weight, serum cholesterol, and improve their quality of life. Eligible study participants are those who are 18 and over and on stable thyroid replacement therapy. They will receive free outpatient care for hypothyroidism, study medications, and thyroid hormone and cholesterol lipid analyses for the duration of the study.