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Clinical Trials: Cancer - Head and Neck, Including Mouth
IRB No. 09-010-1 (Dr. Rajesh Lalla, PI): Oral Mucositis Research Registry/Repository
Oral Mucositis refers to mouth sores that occur in cancer patients due to the chemotherapy or radiation therapy that they receive. The Oral Mucositis Research studies related to oral mucositis or cancer and to identify potentially eligible subjects for future research. The Oral Mucositis Research Repository will hold in an identifiable format, any remaining tissue or blood samples or derivatives thereof for use in oral mucositis or cancer studies, at the conclusion of the study for which they were collected.
IRB No. 14-041HO-1 (Dr. Rajesh Lalla, PI): Clinical Registry of Dental Outcomes in Head and Neck Cancer Patients (ORARAD)
The ORARAD study is a prospective cohort study to document dental and other oral outcomes in patients who receive radiation therapy as part of treatment for a head and neck cancer. Seven hundred and fifty-six participants will be enrolled nationally over a three year period. Of these, 135 will be enrolled at UCHC. All participants will be seen for the study before starting radiation therapy then at six-month intervals for up to two years after the start of radiation therapy. The primary outcome will be the two-year rate of tooth loss after radiation therapy. Secondary outcomes will include measures of dental caries, periodontal health, salivary flow, and exposed bone/osteoradionecrosis.